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Strong Magnet Inc.
was registered in Manitoba Canada by law. The company is a special magnets
supplier and magnetic products and magnetic jewelry producer that intends to
design, patent, market and distribute.
Magnetic Jewelry Show 2010
Magnetic beads gallery 1

Strong Magnet Inc.
does not only supply a
large quantity of
magnets for industry and diversity of purpose,
the mission of Strong Magnet Inc. is to develop, and popularize biomagnetic technologies.
The vision of company is to design high quality, artistic goods and jewelry, for customers, and offer effective solution to healing pain and improve their physical health in the mean time.

Theories and Technology; Biomagnetic Products Introduction
The technology used in products is the biomagnetic therapy theories. According to the medial research and reports, the magnetic field affects the iron component of blood, hemoglobin, thereby increasing circulation to the area where magnets are applied. The other supporting theory is that the magnetic field energizes and oxygenates the white corpuscles in the blood stream, and these white corpuscles are
nature's healing agents. The charged ions increase the blood flow, which provides increased oxygenation to the blood. This increased oxygenation is the prevalent factor to enhancing the human body's natural healing powers, and the results are less pain, decreased inflammation, and the possibility of increased energy level.
The claimed purpose of biomagnetic healing is to relieve pain and discomforts in the body.
Strong Magnet Inc. will initiate its product line with
magnetic necklace,
magnetic bracelet,
magnetic earrings,
magnetic insole, magnetic anklets,
magnetic waist belt, magnetic rings,
magnetic pendants by magnetic materials, crystals, and
semi-gems. The designer will combine the magnetic parts and other gems artistically upon magnetic level and customers¡¯ taste (such as:
pearlized magnetic jewelry). The polished metal-like texture and black shinny tone make jewelry very unique and full of sense of future.

Magnetic beads Catalogue & Online Order
Magnetic Bracelet and Necklace Price
CAD1 ( wholesale and retail with PDF
To make an order, send us e-mail:
.or send mail:651 Kemp Common Burlington Ontario L7L 0G7 CANADA.
To pay by cheque ( or money orders ), payable to: Strong Magnet Inc.
Magnetic beads price
list for USD ( out of Canada )